Friday, September 25, 2015

Things Which OS wishes to say

MIL -- Shut up. When I am talking to my husband and son.. you have no business there.
Keep you opinions with you and I do not need them all the time.

And if you ever ever again override the instruction I give to my son, I will stop you immediately. All these days I kept my mouth shut as I did not want to disrespect you in front of your grandson. If you want me to continue respecting you, just shut the hell up.

Dont you understand that I have stopped talking completely to anyone at home, coz I am tired of hearing your voice just like an echo , but contradicting everything I say. I am tired of it. Just shut the hell up.

Stop comparing my work with what you did 2 decades back for 2 years as a PA. I handle 10 projects and 100 team members and all you did was handle FAX machine. So stop comparing and telling me that I should handle work at home better.

Stop comparing me with your daughter. I use stayfree .. yes.. may it is of lower quality than whatever your daughter might be using in US.  I give a damn.

Just Stop. 


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